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Meet the Herd

The Horses


Stormy is a 31 year old Thoroughbred.  Danelle has owned him since he was 3.  He is sweet, stubborn & an extremely picky eater.  At 31 he's super spoiled & gets to do & eat pretty much whatever he wants!


Slewy is a 14 year old Thoroughbred who started life as a racehorse.  He was terrible at racing!  Danelle has owned him since he was 4.  Slewy is extremely friendly, curious & has no idea how big he is!


Ghostie belongs to Danelle's daughter, Ella.  He is a 15 year old Thoroughbred who also started life as a racehorse.  Ghostie eventually fell into the wrong hands.  He was in terrible shape when we found him.  Now he is living a happy life and he & Ella are forming a fantastic partnership.

Holly & Smokey

Holly & Smokey are miniature horses.  They are half-siblings.  Holly is 7; Smokey is 4.  Smokey is the mischievous one & Holly loves her role of "big sister".

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the Goat

"Tater!!"  Tater inspires cheerfulness.  He is a 2 year old Boer goat who was a 4H Champion.  Tater came to live at Stori Stables when his family could no longer keep him at their urban home.  When he's not zooming around, Tater's favorite thing is to have his legs and shoulders massaged.

the Bunnies

Eight bunnies currently reside at Stori Stables:  Hammie, Chloe, Cookies, Crumbles, Marshmellow, Confetti, Flurry, & Snow.  They are all rescues.  Each has their own unique story and personality but they all love lettuce, cilantro & parsley.



The pig

Mildred is a 2 year old, pot-bellied pig.  She came to Stori Stables after she was evacuated from the Wallbridge Fire.  Upon arrival, she was angry, unhealthy, & grieving the loss of her home.  With patience and care, Mildred has made huge progress!  She is becoming healthier, friendly & occasionally will flop over for belly rubs.

the Chickens &

The duck

Hazelnut the duck &

lots of Chickens!

Hazelnut the duck came to us when her family was moving & could not take her with them.  She lived alone but now loves her flock & enjoys "swim time" in the pond.


There are a lot of chickens! Frizzle & Stark, the roosters, manage them well. Ella can tell you all the chickens' names when you visit!


Dakota the Chicken lives with the bunnies.  She was a single chicken before coming to Stori Stables; an entire flock of chickens was too much for her to handle.  But she loves her bunnies & "carrot time"!

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Sebastopol, CA 95472

(707) 861-1107

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